Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Her Last Death: A Memoir by Susanna Sonnenberg

This memoir begins with an adult Sonnenberg, married with two children in Montana, receiving news that her mother was in an accident and will likely die. Instead of traveling to her mother’s bedside in Barbados, she makes the decision to stay home, and then sets out with the remainder of the book to explain why. We discover Sonnenberg’s mother lies, abuses drugs, is sexually compulsive, and, quite honestly, is crazed, but we also read about Sonnenberg’s often magical and luxurious upbringing that included boarding schools, life in New York City, and adventures that most could not afford. In the realm of women’s memoirs, this one has more spectacle than depth.

Leatherby Libraries Call Number: McNaughton
1st Floor McNaughton Collection
Review submitted by: Stacy Russo, Instruction Librarian, Leatherby Libraries
Rating: Somewhat Recommended

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